Link POSB Saving Account to Adsense

Google Adsense recently rolled out direct deposit(credit) to account for Singapore-based publishers. It meant that we need to setup our bank account details in the Payment Settings in order for us to receive the payment(which by the way, now require us at least two months to hit the threshold due to low traffic).

How To Change iPhone5 Battery

Wifey’s iPhone5 decided to remind us that it is time to prepare for the new version about to be released in a few months. It did that by increasing the size of its battery by 50‰. Not the capacity though, but the physical size. Since the components inside every modern cellphone are too packed together, something has to give way. Unfortunately it is the screen that blinked first. It still managed to hold for a few days giving me enough time to replace the battery. Replacement on takes a few minutes but its delivery from half way around the world took a few days.

Man of Steel After Credits

I say this early. Don’t waste your time waiting for the credits finish to see whether there’s an after-credit scene or none. There is NONE! I actually expected there could be more. However, the last scene is basically a preview of what’s to expect in the next movie. Incidentally, that scene is usually reserved for the after credits. So yeah, no more waiting here.

HDC Galaxy S3 EX Field Review

It’s almost 5 months already since I bought my HDC Galaxy S3 EX and it has been my primary phone from the day I receive it and will continue to be my only smartphone until I get my voucher. I guess I owe some od the readers my experience with it.  The HDC Galaxy S4 already went out with quad core to boot so I guess my experience can be used as a gauge in case you are planning to buy the latest KIRF.